Every since Compass Point launched three years ago we have been conducting servant evangelism projects throughout Polk County. We have met some really great people, impacted thousands of lives and have seen God move in mighty ways. However, the main reason we do servant evangelism is not for what is does for the people of Lakeland…but for the people of Compass Point. The internal benefits far out weigh the external benefits…it makes our people think outside of themselves and fulfill the calling of Christ in the Gospels. As far as the external benefits…well there seems to be a lot of myths floating around the “church world” about that. I thought I would take some time and dispel a few that we learned about the hard way.

MYTH #1 – Servant evangelism helps get your church’s name out in the community. – If you do servant evangelism correctly, the name of Christ is proclaimed and not your church’s. In fact the less your church is named (a website address is all that we use – no logos, addresses or service times) the better off you are. Unchurched people can sniff out bad cheese like no one else…they get turned off BIG TIME when you give out free gas and then pimp your church the whole time they are filling up their car. In essence servant evangelism and marketing should never go hand-in-hand.

MYTH #2 – Servant evangelism can bring about life-change in unchurched people. In some rare cases yes, but in most cases disconnected people are just trying to get as much free stuff as they can. Ever since the dawn of the “Baby Boomers” America has gotten more and more lazy…looking for a free hand out. We have found people scamming us by sending twenty-eight of their “children” up to us just so they can get a free month’s supply of bottled water. It’s sad…but that’s how many people roll in the United States these days.

MYTH #3 – Servant evangelism will cause unchurched people to come to your church. I honestly can’t tell you one unchurched person that has come to Compass Point as a result of our “Outflow Teams”. I can give you a fairly large list of people we have prayed for, stayed in contact with and began a relationship with as the result of our servant evangelism projects. We feel that it will pay off in the end…but there are no hard numbers to back up the need for servant evangelism.

MYTH #4 – Servant evangelism will cause the press to take notice. In a few smaller cities where “Ghostbusters” is still making it’s first run and leg warmers are the “hot ticket item” at the county WalMart servant evangelism still causes a stir among the press. However, in most cities it’s been so over done…and wrongly done…that most newspaper editors, television producers and radio station managers take a pass on covering it.

MYTH #5 – Servant evangelism helps to change people’s negative thoughts about church. Not in any way, shape or form. There are two reasons for this…

  1. There are plenty of churches in America that are doing so much stupid stuff that no amount of servant projects can change people’s negative opinions.
  2. The Bible tells us that if we love Christ…the world will hate us…no matter how many free car washes you have or bottled water you give out…nothing is going to change that.

MYTH #6 – Servant evangelism is a great way to lead people to Christ. Maybe in the long run…not so much in the short run. The conversation is just too short per person for a proper verbal presentation of the Gospel…and handing out free Starbuck’s gift cards doesn’t exactly convey the “Four Spiritual Laws” or the “Romans’ Road”. Free coffee is a wonderful thing…but does very little in convincing people they are sinners in need of a Savior. 🙂

MYTH #7 – Servant evangelism is something everyone can participate in. This depends on your perspective of Scripture. The Body has many parts with many functions…not everyone is suppose to do everything. The reality is that some people just can’t do servant evangelism. Some are too timid to actually walk up to someone with a free can of Pepsi. Some are just so aggressive that they try to tackle anyone that doesn’t take a free donut. Still others are not called to servant evangelism…they are here to fulfill another purpose in God’s Kingdom.

MYTH #8 – Servant evangelism will grow your church. Again…this depends on your perspective. Servant evangelism will rarely grow the church numerically all by itself. It will, however grow your people in their faith in God’s guidance, expand their ability to think of others before themselves and create a deeper desire to see people come to Christ. In the end it is more the byproduct of servant evangelism…than servant evangelism itself…that can help take your church to another level.

13 responses to “Servant Evangelism Myths”

  1. Jud Epting Avatar
    Jud Epting

    Excellent post.

    If anything the World doesn’t need “wholesale” from the church. It needs the Gospel, straight and unadulterated. The world doesn’t need Christianity no matter how giving and selfless it can be. The World needs Jesus Christ.

    I am very very suspicious of the mega church just as I am of Wal-Mart. Most don’t preach Christ crucified, They preach Christ Consumerized. Social Activism is great but coming from a mega church it aften looks more like a media event. Look at the full page add taken out to glorify a popular southern California churches work after the recent wild fires, it was exceptionally self serving but not too much of a surprise as the mission of the church is MAN CENTERED not CHRIST CENTERED.


  2. drummer chris Avatar

    Off topic:

    You get to do KISS in the first round of the Guitar Hero comp? That’s like a first round bye for you…………


  3. mike macon Avatar

    Yet another Elroddian home run.


  4. Chris Elrod Avatar

    Jud & Mike – Thanks for the encouraging words…glad you liked the blog post.

    Chris – Yeah..I couldn’t believe it when I saw Shawn’s post today. I do still have to practice…my bark is worst than my bite. 🙂


  5. slw Avatar

    That was an interesting scoop of non-politically correct honesty!


  6. Chris Elrod Avatar

    SLW – I have no clue how to take that comment. I can assure you that here at ChrisElrod.com we (a.k.a., I) couldn’t give a rat’s rear end about being politically correct. 🙂


  7. Charlie Wear Avatar

    Hey Chris,
    You are so smart it hurts my head…keep up the great analysis…Uh, I didn’t get that you were saying you shouldn’t Outflow or do SE, or did I miss the point…:)


  8. Chris Elrod Avatar

    Charlie – No…you got the point. Apparently a few others didn’t…the flaming email has been pretty amazing. I just love Christian college students still living on mom’s dime flaming me email from their Christian campus dorm room. Ah, the things they ARE GOING TO DO for Christ…once they learn to get up before noon. 🙂


  9. chad myhre Avatar
    chad myhre

    .. I remember Bible School Zeal. Man! I was soooo good back then.
    Back on topic.. – I love servant evangelism. I think it follows a consistent example that Jesus gave us as He provided: food, healing, friendship… w/many people before He opened his mouth to instruct. It gives us the opportunity to show the world around us what and who the church really is. (if, of course, it’s done with “no strings attached”).. instead of seeing a bunch of stuffy suits that go into a building on Sunday, they see normal down to earth people showing love and compassion..
    – However… it needs to be done with no strings attached. No sales pitch. No time-share talk. We can’t be out there with the motivation to fill more seats on Sunday morning. Let it be an act of love and worship to God… not a scheme to trick people into church.
    It encourages the person who participates, it blesses God.. and sometimes, someone will get saved.. it’s the I Cor 10:31-33 model – 1. do all to God’s glory 2. seek profit of others, not self (or church) 3. that some might be saved.

    It’s not a program.. not a device.. not a scheme.. (or, at least it shouldn’t be) – it’s a method/outflow of worship to God. Let God take care of the fruit!


  10. Chris Elrod Avatar

    Chad – Good point…much clearer than the way I was trying to say it in my post. We just had a church near here jump on the SE band wagon. They did the free gas thing…filled up the cars for about 300 people…but gave a “warped speed” presentation of the Gospel to each person while they waited. One of the guys from our local paper told me they did this HUGE publicity push with the whole thing…multiple press releases…crazy things in the mail to entice reporters to show up…it was rather quite sad!!!


  11. Jonathan Avatar

    Chad nailed it, and so did you Chris. Great post and good insights into true SE. (BTW I love that you respond to the people that write. Lots of folks don’t do that.) Very few churches that have tried SE get the “no strings attached” part. I was at an event led by Steve Sjogren too many years ago to tell and even after “hearing it from the horse’s mouth” so to speak, a number of people were trying to preach at the outreaches.

    The thing that I love about SE is that it has a serendipity effect. After I have done SE, I am more comfortable just talking to someone else – maybe at the gas pump or in line at the grocery store. It becomes more natural after serving. I am more prone to talk to others about Jesus after doing the low-key SE.

    Another experience that I had recently reminded me that when we do SE we are really serving the Lord. As He said, “When you did it to the least of these…”


  12. Eric Avatar

    Great rearview thoughts.
    We have found that our community (neighbors, paper, churches, business) have responded more to our service, care and ongoing work with refugees than any of our hip artist stuff. Simple obedience to the call of Jesus to engage in ongoing work with those who sit at the end of the table or at the end of the line has “moved us up higher” as Jesus put it (Lk 14). Brilliant in its simplicity…brand that!


  13. Mo Tanner Avatar
    Mo Tanner

    Thanks for the words on Myth No. 8. I had been trying to evaluate our church’s servant evangelism in terms of whether it produced any visitors or new members. It had occurred to me that was not really the only thing that our servant evangelism efforts could produce, but your comment made this clear to me.


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