I awake this morning to the promise of a new President…Barack Obama.  With his election to the highest office in the United States of America comes new opportunities, new ideas and new directions for the country.  Even with the hope and promise of change in the near future…much is still the same this morning.

  • Because the media leads off their coverage this morning with the words, “The first black President”…there is still racism in America.
  • Because the Secret Service broke up a plot against President-elect Obama’s life last week…there is still hatred in America.
  • Because the food lines at local homeless shelters are longer than the election lines were yesterday…there is still poverty in America.
  • Because therapists and counselors have a full schedule today…there are still hurting and hopeless people in America.
  • Because the men and women of our military are still in harm’s way this morning…there is still evil in the world.
  • Because the churches of America were not packed out this past Sunday…there are still people far from God that will not be going to Heaven when they leave this Earth.
  • Because the Holy Spirit has not moved with the sound of a rushing wind across this nation…there is still much work for the Church to be doing.

Even though someday changes are coming to America…there is still much work to do today.  A new President does not make my goals or the goals of Compass Point Church any different.  Our eyes are not to be focused on what we can see…and the frailty of politics…it is to be focused on the Kingdom of God.  Politics have done many wonderful things for this country…but it has never caused one person to come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Our missioin is still the same today as it was yesterday…reach people far from God with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and lead them into a growing relationship with Him.  My post election thought is this…if we as the Church do what God has called us to do…then it will help to make President Obama’s job a little easier in the days to come!

Pray daily for all of the leaders of this great nation…look with renewed hope to a future under the leadership of a new President…but never lose sight that as Christians…our mission is still the same as it’s been for thousands of years!  There is still much work to do for the Kingdom today…let’s get to it!!!

I’m Chris

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